Song of the Soil / ihubo Lengabadi – S’bonelo Tau Luthuli
The Arts and Ubuntu Trust’s Travelling Art Institute presents the young Durban based Ceramicist, S’bonelo Tau Luthuli’s work – Song of the Soil/Ihubo Lengabadi – in Cape Town at the Irma Stern Museum from 10 – 24 October 2015, at 6 Spin Street from 5 – 19 November and at the Women’s Jail, Constitution Hill, Johannesburg 4-29 May 2016. Luthuli, whose inspiration to be a pot maker came from a high school visit to the Durban Art Gallery where he saw Clive Sithole’s work, is the first young artist to be presented to the public as part of the Arts and Ubuntu Trust’s Travelling Art Institute, which is is supported by the Mzansi Golden Economy Fund of the Department of Arts and Culture.
Exhibition Sponsor:
"Beautiful and Amazing skill... in clay and in words. Much appreciated"